Date and Time
Thursday May 9, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CDT
11 AM - Networking/Lunch appetizers
11:30 AM - ARCC Presentation
12:15 PM - Networking
FREE to Members and Non-Members
Join us for a special, complimentary Lunch & Learn to hear about all things Chamber of Commerce!
Meet the Aurora Regional Chamber team, make new acquaintances, and learn about new events happening in 2024. Plus, get tips on how to make the most of your membership. We'll provide a comprehensive overview of the Member Information Center (MIC), share exciting marketing and sponsorship opportunities, and discuss how you can play an active role in our organization.
Come meet members of ARCC groups and committees, including LeadHER, our Associate Board, Ambassadors, and LEADS, and find out how you can make a difference for both your business and the community.
Whether you're a longstanding member or new to the Chamber, this is a can't miss opportunity to stay In the Know!