Groups TemplateBoard of Directors

The role of the Board of Directors is to ensure the health and prosperity of the organization for the good of the mission and members. We are proud to introduce the directors of the Aurora Regional Economic Alliance for the current board service year.
Don Pilmer
Chair Old Second National Bank - S. River St., Executive Vice President - Commecial Lending
Colette Rozanski
Secretary R.C. Wegman Construction Company, President
As the Director of Business Development at R.C. Wegman Construction Company, Colette leads client engagement and sales strategy. An alumnus of Illi...
Alex Alexandrou
City of Aurora , Chief Management Officer
Carolyn Chiovino
Express Employment Professionals, Owner
Carolyn Chiovino is the owner of an Express Employment Professionals franchise, a business that provides career path learning tools for associates....
Sam Dempsey
The Venue, General Manager
Sandra Harrison
DVA Leadership & Development Training, CEO
Sandra Harrison is a social impact entrepreneur. She is the founder and CEO of DVA Leadership & Development Training Consultants. Harrison specia...
Jessica Medrano
RJ O'Neil, President/CEO
Greg Moore
Hollywood Casino - Aurora, VP & General Manager
Judy Ni
At Large Pacifica Square LLC, Director of Real Estate
Alex Pope
Rush Copley Medical Center, Vice President of Development
Senthil Rajamanickam
Lindsay Windows, Owner/General Manager
Curtis Spivey
Good Morning Aurora, Founder
Curtis Spivey is proud to serve as the Outreach Coordinator for the Neighbor Project, a HUD approved housing agency located in Aurora. He is also t...
Matt Winkle
Weldstar Company, President & CEO
Roderick Young
VSI Group, President/CEO