Date and Time
Thursday May 16, 2024
10:30 AM - 1:30 PM CDT
$50 both Members and Non-Members Give voice to the stories that need to be told! Join us on May 16th to hear from guest speaker, Jenette Jurczyk, National Director of The She Said Project, and learn how to craft your personal story.
*Includes lunch appetizers, refreshments, and cash bar, along with admittance to vendor exhibit
$125 Exhibitor Booth (Reserves 6ft table for 1 person and includes registration to LeadHER)
LeadHER Speaker Series
THE STORIES WE TELL: Creative Communication - with Improv!
What do our personal stories tell about us and how we operate in the world? What is the story we intentionally put out there for others to see? And how do we want our stories that are not yet written to unfold? This presentation and interactive workshop will empower women to craft their personal stories; it will also introduce theater techniques and improv games to help overcome nerves and build confidence in any presentation or performance setting. Join us to learn tools for team building, networking, breaking out of your comfort zone, and commanding your audience!
Guests will also enjoy lunch appetizers, refreshments, and a cash bar from Two Brother's Roundhouse, along with a vendor exhibit before the workshop from local Aurora area businesses. Come join this growing network of women in the Aurora area, learn from other’s stories, and let your own story be heard!
About the Speaker:
Jenette Jurczyk is The National Director of The She Said Project, producing and directing live shows called "That's What She Said". She works with women to help them find their voice and share their story. She is also the co-host of The She Said Project Podcast and co-created and runs the youth empowerment program, "That's What Teens Say." Through her company, Key Light Consulting, Jenette is a motivational speaker and trainer sharing how to shine in any presentation or performance setting. She has a BFA and MBA from the University of Illinois and worked in New York and Los Angeles as a performer, director, and producer, before building a life in Champaign with her rocket scientist husband and 2 young daughters. She is an avid volunteer and has served on numerous boards, such as the Junior League of Champaign-Urbana and Executive Club of Champaign County. She serves as President of The Family Room, the nonprofit she co-founded to provide resources and comfort to foster children and families in her community.
Exhibitor Booths Available
Vendor tables will be open to guests from 10:30 am - 11:30 am before the workshop. Vendors will be provided a six-foot table for one person at a cost of $125 (note: Includes registration for one to LeadHER). For questions, please contact