Date and Time
Saturday May 6, 2023
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM CDT
May 6, 2023
Doors open at 10:45 am
Brunch and Networking 11am
Program Begins 12pm
Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity
1300 S. Broadway Rd (in Genesis Community Church)
Montgomery Il 60538
This is a free informational meeting, space is limited to 80 ladies.
RSVP by May 1 to j.clark@foxvalleyhabitat.org
There will be raffle baskets and silent auction items to bid on.
We will be selling Women Build T-shirts and Handmade reusable grocery tote bags.
Bring business cards to pass.
Contact Information
Julie Clark 630.206.5034
Send Email
Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity is doing a 4 year Women Build Campaign to raise a million dollars to build 4 homes in our new 17-home smart Neighborhood at 1921 Jericho Rd in Aurora. We are looking for women-owned businesses, contractors, women's groups, and volunteers to take ownership of the special fundraising campaign to help lower-income, hard-working families to become first-time homeowners. At this brunch, you will find out how to form a team within your groups and do fundraising events to help raise these funds needed. Come and meet some of the families who have been accepted into our program. After $250,000 has been raised for the first home, we will schedule groups to come out and build side-by-side our homeowners this fall. We need the communities help on this project. Join us to see how you can help our affordable housing ministry in Aurora.