Chamber Store


Now Hiring Job Board Posting

Picture of Now Hiring Job Board Posting
Now Hiring Job Board Postings are a way for you to feature a job your hiring for on the Aurora Regional Chamber Job Board and in the Job X Change Email Newsletter to Job Seekers.
Now Hiring Job Board Postings are a way for you to feature a job your hiring for on the Aurora Regional Chamber Job Board which averages 50 views per job, per week. That means when you purchase a month long listing, your posting costs you a mere 25 cents per view on average!

Postings to the job board are featured in a number of outside newsletters from elected officials and resource organizations to job seekers, which extends the reach of your job posting even further.

If you are a Chamber Member and would like to post a job, login to the Member Information Center NOW and post at no charge! 
Picture of One Week Job Posting
One Week Job Posting
Your job posting will be featured on the job board for 7 days and included in 1 edition of the Job X Change newsletter. Postings average a price of 30 cents per view when posting for a week. Get the biggest bang for your buck by posting for one month. Purchase up to 9 individual job postings at a time. For 10 or more job posts, purchase a bulk quantity.
Picture of One Month Job Posting
One Month Job Posting
Your job posting will be featured on the job board for 30 days and included in 2 editions of the Job X Change newsletter. Purchase up to 9 individual job postings at a time. For 10 or more job posts, purchase a bulk quantity.
Picture of Bulk Pricing: One Week Job Posting
Bulk Pricing: One Week Job Posting
Your job posting will be featured on the job board for 7 days and included in 1 edition of the Job X Change newsletter. Save over 30% with bulk purchasing. Bulk purchasing is for purchasing 10 or more job posts. These will be 10 or more unique jobs for 1 week.
Picture of Bulk Pricing: One Month Job Posting
Bulk Pricing: One Month Job Posting
Your job posting will be featured on the job board for 30 days and included in 2 editions of the Job X Change newsletter. Save 30% with bulk purchasing. Bulk purchasing is for purchasing 10 or more job posts. These will be 10 or more unique jobs for 1 month.
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